Erasmus fin

I'm sitting on the bus to Prague right now, it will take about 14 hours. The last week has been incredibly hectic, because I moved out of my dorm room to save money and stayed at friends' places. I had to juggle 2 exams with cancelling my bank account/phone number and deregistering at the city council. It was incredibly stressful and I was frankly rather miserable doing all those things at the same time. But from friday to saturday I was completely free. I said goodbye to a couple people (Czechs, Americans,  Computational Linguists, even 2 erasmus friends showed up) and drank beer at the Saar.

It's hard to summarize my  Erasmus year.  It was  an unforgettable experience  which taught me  a great deal.  I probably  did not improve academically (some  courses were pure garbage and in fact I feel I lost my edge here),  but  I learned a lot about dealing with people and making the right friends to get free KFC at 1 am. I also got to know a lot about myself (things you don't notice unless you completely change the environment you are in) and living in general.

I met incredible people from all sorts of fields. I rave a lot about my CoLi friends, but there were all sorts of amazing backgrounds and life paths and just talking to them was at times mindblowing. I think this is something most erasmus people would say but I do wholeheartedly believe they do it for a good reason: Because it's fucking true.

 I am blessed to have finally gotten my asian squad. I had incredible mensa lectures about deep learning from J. I enjoyed yelling valhalla and drinking shots with an american fratboy. I had fun awkwardly knocking on every door in the dorm at 1 am with freshly baked cookies. I impressed japanese  people with my weeaboo knowledge. I was impressed by a  barefoot  South African  philosopher/computer scientist. A basque gentle giant brought me after drinking too much. We tested american  IPAs  every other week with  a beer  lover from Washington. I got destroyed skating 24km through the city with the Polish computer scientist.

My life in the dorm was at first rather lonely and boring until I started meddling with the politics, which lead to incredible fun and annoyance at the same time. I learned a fuckton of baking recipes which I tested on J for the whole year.

Erasmus is not just drinking (although I did have plenty drinking buddies, uh oh), it was for some people the first time they leave their home and learn to survive in a completely different country and build new social circles from nothing. Unless you are Italian. Then you get a premade social circle straight away. I would say some of my erasmus friendships (distinct from regular ones) were rather shallow, but I do think there was as  a sort of bond for the last year which I will cherish.

It seems very difficult to go back now. Back to my friends who moved on with their lives.  Back to my old university, where most of my classmates graduated. Back to my family after living independently for so long.   It doesn't feel like returning to my old life, I see it as leaving my new life. I'm so torn between then and now and what scares me is that there will be even more such moments in the future.


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